Wingspan gets EMMY nomination for its Malaria film

'Listen to Britain 2017' filmmaker wins Best Director Award at the Debbies

Winners were announced at the inaugural Edinburgh TV Festival Debbie Awards, established to recognise new talent who made their broadcast debut in 2017, and Wingspan were thrilled to see Maia Krall Fry (Silent Roars) emerge with the Best Director award.

Maia beat tough competition including fellow Listen to Britain 2017 filmmaker, Ruth Grinberg, who was nominated for her film Learning to Swim.

Maia was unable to pick up the award in person as she was away filming, but Lisa Murphy-O'Reilly who worked as a producer on the film, accepted it on her behalf. Maia's film Silent Roars was an imaginative portrait of four young British women with strong campaigning online profiles who have to suffer constant online abuse